Are you suspicious about a website ?

We take regulation seriously and strive to maintain a safe and fair web environment.

person with strange emotion looking at a laptop

If you have any suspicion about the activity of any website which is hosted by The Web Factory, you may file a report of abuse by completing the following form. Abuse reports include but are not limited to violation of the applicable Terms of Service on domain names, web sites, or systems. The following form can only be used for reporting violations.


We endeavour to keep the Web a safe place and consider abuse a serious matter. Reports are investigated, recorded and acted upon if necessary. The matter may be escalated to the ICANN or appropriate registry.


We may request additional information from your end regarding the report. However, kindly understand that any response from our side will be at our sole discretion, and updates about the case may not be shared due to privacy or legal reasons.


Thank you for helping to keep the Web a safe place for all participants.

Enter your First Name
Enter your Last Name
Enter your email address
Enter the suspected domain name
Enter the type of Abuse
Fill in the comment section in detail.

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